New Message for Afghan Women Organization
is a non-governmental, non-profit, non political and independent civil society organization dedicated to the welfare and progress of Afghan citizens with a primary focus on WASH, women empowerment, social cohesion, small skills training and human rights.
The organization has conducted survey, assessment and design of 20 Water Supply Projects in 4 central provinces of Afghanistan, as well as completed..
> Women Empowerment
The organization has implemented various project in women empowerment fields in which hundreds of women benefited. The project focused..
> Social Cohesion
More than 2100 individuals are engaged and build their capacity to advocate about anti-corruption at provincial level. A radio message produced and..
> Small Skills Training
Through this, hundreds of women and adult girls have benefited from Beekeeping, Handicrafts and Knitting projects which implemented in Ghor, Bamyan…
> Human Rights
The organization has conducted human rights advocacy and raising awareness programs in different province of Afghanistan in which hundreds of men, women.
New Message for Afghan Women Organization.
The organization has been working in the areas of WASH, women empowerment, social cohesion, small skills training and human rights since establishment. The organization is a well-known institution with good reputation at local and national level. The NMAWO has a head office in Kabul and having provincial offices in other provinces of Afghanistan. The NMAWO is a well-known organization in project implementation by receiving several appreciation letters from the society and local government offices, which created a strong context for having the trust of the community with whom we will work and is very significant during implementation of the projects.
NMAWO has also developed its partnership with national and international networks includes; Afghanistan Civil Society Forum organization (ACSFo), Afghan Civil Society Election Network (ACSEN), Local Governance Initiative Network (LOGIN ASIA), Environment Natural Resource Monitoring Network (ENRMN) and National Advocacy Committee (NAC).
NMAWO is working in the thematic areas of WASH, Women Empowerment, Social Cohesion, Small Skills Training and Human Rights.
> The organization has conducted survey, assessment and design of 20 Water Supply Projects in 4 central provinces of Afghahistan..
> Employed Women
> Numbers of 1000 youth has mobilized and engaged to increase the protection of educated and employed Women...
> Peace Building Program
> The project of Enhancement of Community Engagement in Civic Affairs and Municipality Governance aimed to raise public awareness...
> Literacy and Humanity
> This project aimed to conduct literacy course for household women in Daikundi province. Through this...
> Time of COVID-19
> Ms. Fatima Husseini one of the household women tailors who has five children saying that we experienced bad condition of life during COVID-19.
> Celebration of March 8th
> The project implemented in Bamyan province to celebrate International Woman Day where more about 300 of.